Tesla Unveils "100% Amish Crafted" Lineup for 2025???
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Tesla is at it again! Their new plan to save the environment lays in the careful hardworking hands of the Amish. As unlikely a pairing you will ever see!
The Amish are known for literally avoiding electricity like the devil. We asked Elon how they could possibly manufacture an entire electric car with people who don’t use electricity:
Elon: We give them all the materials necessary. Every Tesla will be 100% hand crafted by a certified Amish man. Inside each door will be a plaque showing which of the craftsmen built it. See this was built by Jebediah.
Thalia: “But how could they possibly build an electric vehicle without working with electricity?”
Elon: “Oh it’s very simple actually. We just give them a kit where we take care of the electric parts. Want to see?”
Thalia: “Sure!”
Elon: “Here it is!”
Thalia: “It’s just a car with one screw sitting next to it.”
Elon: “That’s not a whole car! Look! How could you possibly call it a car without an electric charger cover screw!”
Thalia: “Uhhh yeah… how could the car possibly function without that. I think the customers are going to be quite inflamed about this.
Elon: “Yeah it’s gonna be lit! 🔥🔥🔥”
There’s our interview with Elon! Only we can get the inside scoop on how Tesla manufactures 100% Amish electric vehicles.
Have any horror stories about buying something supposedly made by the Amish?
Do you think this will save the environment?
Honorary Muses
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Is it sad that I can find this scenario plausible? Like I could see him saying he's going to do this. XD
Also, thanks for the shout out.
Don’t get jelly but I just secured my spot on the wait-list for a Neuralinked Amish Pogostick called the “Tesla Rumspringa”.