Substacker Thanks Everyone for Subscribing Way Too Much. 5k Lost!😱
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.
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Local Substacker “Life Healer Marketing Coach 🙏🏻💯💯💯🦾!!!” was an up-and-coming star rising faster than the price of a crypto scam. Although well meaning, the constant subscriber updates on Substack’s Notes became problematic.
“I just wanted to let my followers know how we’re doing! We’re all in this together as a team!!! How was I supposed to know it would make them angry?” she lamented.
It all started when she began approaching 10k subscribers. At 9k she promised to do an update countdown for every time someone subscribed. Around the 35th update at 9,035 subscribers, her subscribes imitated the end of a crypto scam and plummeted.
Now with 4,011 subs, she still is managing to make a decent living. According to her, “It turns out people always need a marketing genius for their business.”
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If you have any good satire ideas, comment down below or message me! If I use them, I will give you credit in that article. the "Hey look at how many notches I have on my bed post " approach, is just as bad to use with SubStack subs, as it is with a new date.
Ever notice how those "advise givers" are tone deaf in things like this - on the whole?
I’m offended, and I didn’t even subscribe