Hi! I’m Thalia, the Muse of Comedy. If you subscribe you will receive the musings of an immortal god known for knowledge. Sounds like a good deal to me, but hey, maybe the fat guy with Cheeto fingers writing in his boxers knows more than me. On second thought, maybe subscribe to him too just to give him a pick me up. I think he needs it.

I’ve been checking in on Earth every now and then. You guys are bit crazy and that’s coming from someone who knows Zeus and Dionysus. I promise to keep you up to date on everything important that is happening on planet Earth and even Mars, (looking at you Elon.) I cover all types of news: sports, entertainment, drama at Olympus. Typical stuff.

There will also be no jokes about politics here! What does that mean? No mention of politicians or laws.

If you subscribe, every new post I write will be sent directly to your email. Also feel free to check out my past work.

You’re still here? C’mon subscribe. Your mortal life is passing by.


It’s the only way I get paid and if I make enough I could write full time.

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Satire News from the Comedy Muse! We cover everything except politics!


Satire News from the Comedy Muse!